April Legal Exchange Event
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 | Attend for 1, 3, or 5 Hours | In-Person 

Event Detail

Event Venue

The Norris Center
12005 Ford Rd. #200
Dallas, TX 75234

Event Sponsor

Registration Options

Members and Future Members can register for the In-Person event. 

In-Person Rates & Times

Full Day Event (5 hours)
8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Advance Onsite 
Members:   $199 $219
 Non-Members:  $249 $269

Lunch Only Event (1 hour)
11:45 AM -1:00 PM

  Advance Onsite 
Members:  $42 $57
 Non-Members:  $54 $67

Morning or Afternoon Half Day (3 hours)
8:30 AM -1:00 PM or 11:15 AM - 3:45 PM

  Advance Onsite 
Members:  $119 $139
 Non-Members:  $169 $189


Limited onsite registration is available.

Eligible for Chapter Grant Fund Applications, click here to access application page.

Read our Duty of Care Statement for In-person Chapter Events.

Schedule of Event*
8:30-9:00        AM     Registration & Networking
9:00-10:00      AM     AM Session One
10:00-10:15    AM     Networking Break
10:15-11:15    AM     AM Session  Two
11:15-11:45    AM     Networking/Registration for Luncheon
11:45-1:00      PM     Lunch Keynote
1:00-1:30        PM     Networking Break
1:30-2:30        PM     PM Session One
2:30-2:45        PM     Networking Break
2:45-3:45        PM     PM Session Two

*Session times are subject to change.


Recertification Credit Information
This event will be submitted to HRCI and SHRM for recertification credits. The lunch will be approved for 1 HRCI Credit Hour (HR General) and 1 SHRM PDC. The full education event will be approved for 5 HRCI Credit Hours (HR General) and 5 SHRM PDC's. The AM/Lunch or Lunch PM sessions will be approved for 3 HRCI Credit Hours (GR General) and 3 SHRM PDC's.

2022 Legal Exchange Event

Join DallasHR as we provide timely legal updates in 2022.

Session One (AM 1): So Your Employer Asked You To Be On the 401(k) Committee; What’s Next?

In almost every company, the day-to-day administration of the company’s 401(k) plan is handled by the professionals who handle human resources.  This obviously makes the most sense but there are so many overlaps with other areas of the company, including finance, accounting and legal, just to name a few.  It is almost a natural that one of the HR professionals who handles the daily administration of the 401(k) plan should be invited to serve on the 401(K) committee.  But, is this always the best answer?  And, what are the special considerations that come up when the HR professional is serving on the 401(k) committee.

 Learning Objectives:

  • Difference between ministerial and fiduciary services
  •  How to start and stop being a fiduciary
  •  Not all 401(k) Committees are the same
  •  What to ask to make sure your CYA works
  •  What issues stay in HR and what issues go to the 401(K) committee

About the Speaker:
Jim Griffin
Partner, Scheef & Stone
Jim Griffin works with clients on 401(k) plans and other retirement plans, as well as tax issues involving health plans, Section 125 cafeteria plans and Section 409A deferred compensation plans. Jim helps clients fix broken plans and work through audits by the Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor. For more than 30 years, Jim has been helping clients solve their employee benefit problems. Jim’s clients count on him to bring practical solutions with a common sense explanation. Jim enjoys helping clients break down barriers to get positive results in the important area of employee benefits and executive compensation.

Session Two (AM 2): What's New From Austin, Washington, and The Supreme Court
This session will be a discussion of the new legislative and court rulings that impact businesses in Texas. 

Learning Objectives

  • The latest developments impacting employers in Texas from both Washington and Austin
  • Some changes that need to be put in place by Texas employers as a result
  • Some items that are still on the agenda that employers need to stay tuned to

About the Speaker:

Mark Downey
Downey Law Group
For over a decade Mark has been Board Certified in Labor and Employment Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He is licensed and practices in both Texas and Colorado and has focused his practice for the last 20 plus years on defending companies in employment and labor related matters. During this time Mark has had extensive experience in handling and responding to a wide range of local, state and federal employment issues that impact the management and operations of businesses in a wide range of industries. Mark's experience includes appearances before state and federal agencies and regulatory boards, litigation in both state and federal courts, defense of class actions and appearances before courts of appeal. While Mark regularly handles matters in litigation, he has a high regard for handling every issue with the best interest of the client’s business.

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Payment & Registration Notes

Attendees can register for:

In Person Attendance
  • Full Day (5 hours)
  • Luncheon Only (1 hour)
  • Morning or Afternoon Half Day (3 hours)


IMPORTANT: Advance registrations are strongly recommended. Due to hotel catering requirements, we cannot guarantee seating for onsite registrants. To receive cancellation credit, your written request must be received at DallasHR by 12:00 noon, no later than the Wednesday before the meeting.

Payment is due with registration. No POs or requests for invoicing can be honored. Checks should be made payable and mailed (to be received no later than the Wednesday before the meeting) to the DallasHR Office.

Important Notices:

Chapter members and guests are not allowed to bring and/or distribute marketing collateral or material other than business cards to any chapter event except paid, sponsoring businesses. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the meeting and confiscation of materials. Opportunities to promote products and services are available. For information, please contact [email protected].

Please make arrangements to be on time. Lunch service will cease when the luncheon presentation begins. This is a rule set by the HR Certification Institute for presentations that are approved for credit. Attendees who arrive after 11:45 AM may not be served lunch and your seat may be released to onsite registration attendees.

If you require a vegetarian meal for lunch, you may request one by contacting [email protected]. Please note that you must pre-order veggie meals no later than 9:00 AM on the Monday prior to the event. On-site requests cannot be honored.