August 15, 2024 | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Event Venue

DallasHR | Heritage Building II
5001 LBJ Frwy Ste 800
Dallas, TX 75244

Registration Options

Job Link Meetings are complimentary to both Members and Non-Members of DallasHR.

Register: August 15

Registration will remain open until August 15 at 9:00 AM.

Jump-Start Your Job Hunt with Sharpen Your Search!

Mark your calendar!  DallasHR's Job Link event is happening on Thursday, August 15, from 4:00 - 5:30 PM at the DallasHR office.

Hey, HR professionals! Ready to take your job search to the next level? Join us for a fantastic evening at "Sharpen Your Search", a round-table style event designed to give you the edge you need in today’s job market. Whether you’re actively looking or just curious about the latest job market trends, this is the place to be!

Why You Should Be There:

  • ️‍Chat with Top Recruiters:
    We've got four amazing recruiters lined up, each bringing unique insights and expertise from their industries. They’re here to share what really works in today’s job market and answer all your burning questions.
  • Fresh Job-Search Tips:
    Get up-to-date advice on everything from crafting standout resumes to acing those tricky virtual interviews. Our experts will share strategies that can help you shine and get noticed.
  • Engaging and Fun Format:
    Forget boring presentations! We’re talking interactive discussions, real-time Q&A, and a chance to dive into topics that matter to you. It’s all about keeping it lively and fun.
  • Network with Peers:
    Meet fellow HR pros, share experiences, and expand your network. It’s a great opportunity to connect and maybe even make some new friends.
  • Make an Impact:
    Share your own job search stories and tips. Your experiences can inspire and guide others. Plus, you’ll be contributing to a supportive community that’s all about lifting each other up. Together, we can make a real difference!

Hosted by DallasHR's Job Link Committee. Reach out to Rebekah Zetts or Allison Flannery for more info!

All Job-Link meetings are planned and organized by the dedicated volunteers of the Career Support Committee.

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