HR STAR AWARD Descriptions
& Nomination Information

There is no charge to nominate someone!
Nominees are selected by their peers and colleagues. You may also nominate yourself!
The nomination process includes an application, review of nominee's professional accomplishments and interviews.



human resource executive OF THE YEAR -  SMALL COMPANY

The HR Executive of the Year for a Small Company Award honors a visionary HR leader from an organization with fewer than 99 employees who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation in human resources. This award recognizes an executive whose strategic initiatives have significantly contributed to the success and growth of their company, creating a workplace culture that fosters employee engagement, development, and well-being.

The recipient of this award will have shown exceptional ability to navigate the unique challenges of a small business environment, where agility and resourcefulness are key. Their work will have led to measurable improvements in areas such as talent acquisition, retention, employee satisfaction, and organizational performance. By implementing forward-thinking HR practices, this leader will have positioned their company to thrive in a competitive market.

In addition to their strategic contributions, the HR Executive will be celebrated for their hands-on approach and ability to connect with employees at all levels, ensuring that the HR function aligns closely with the company’s mission and values. Their leadership will have not only driven business results but also created a positive, inclusive, and high-performing workplace culture.

_____  HR Executive Small Company Nominations   _____

human resource executive OF THE YEAR - Medium company

The HR Executive of the Year for a Medium Company Award honors an exceptional HR leader from an organization with 100 to 499 employees who has made significant contributions to their company’s success through strategic and innovative human resources practices. This award recognizes an executive whose leadership has transformed HR into a critical driver of organizational growth, culture, and employee engagement.

The recipient of this award will have demonstrated a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within a medium-sized business, where balancing scalability and agility is essential. Their initiatives will have led to substantial improvements in talent management, employee development, retention, and overall organizational effectiveness. This leader’s work will have not only addressed current business needs but also prepared the company for future growth and challenges.

In addition to their strategic acumen, the HR Executive will be celebrated for their ability to foster a positive and inclusive workplace culture, where employees are motivated, valued, and empowered to contribute to the company’s success. Their leadership will have inspired both the HR team and the broader organization, creating a cohesive and high-performing workforce.

The HR Executive of the Year for a Medium Company Award recognizes those who have made a lasting impact on their organization by elevating the role of HR as a key business partner and strategic leader, demonstrating how HR can drive success and innovation in a dynamic and growing company.

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human resource executive OF THE YEAR -  Large Company

The HR Executive of the Year for a Large Company Award honors a distinguished HR leader from an organization with 500 or more employees who has demonstrated exceptional vision, leadership, and impact. This award recognizes an executive whose strategic initiatives have not only shaped the company’s human resources function but have also driven significant business outcomes, positioning HR as a central force in the organization’s success.

The recipient of this award will have skillfully navigated the complexities of a large-scale organization, implementing innovative HR practices that address the needs of a diverse and expansive workforce. Their work will have led to transformative results in areas such as talent management, organizational development, diversity and inclusion, and employee engagement. This leader will have played a crucial role in fostering a resilient and adaptable organizational culture that supports both employees and business goals.

Beyond their strategic contributions, the HR Executive will be recognized for their ability to influence and collaborate with senior leadership, ensuring that HR is aligned with the company’s overall vision and objectives. Their leadership will have inspired a culture of excellence, inclusion, and continuous improvement across the organization, setting new standards for what HR can achieve in a large enterprise.

The HR Executive of the Year for a Large Company Award celebrates those who have made a profound and lasting impact on their organization, demonstrating how visionary HR leadership can drive growth, innovation, and long-term success in a large and complex business environment.

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The HR Change Champion of the Year Award recognizes an individual or team that has successfully led their organization through transformative change, demonstrating extraordinary leadership, resilience, and innovation. This award honors those who have navigated complex challenges—whether driven by shifts in the business environment, technological advancements, or workforce dynamics—and have emerged as catalysts for positive, lasting change.

The recipient of this award will have played a pivotal role in redesigning processes, reshaping organizational culture, or implementing new strategies that significantly improved business outcomes. Their efforts will have not only addressed immediate challenges but also laid the groundwork for sustained success, positioning their organization to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

This individual or team will be celebrated for their ability to inspire and engage employees throughout the change process, fostering a culture of adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Their visionary approach and ability to turn challenges into opportunities make them exemplary change leaders.

The HR Change Champion of the Year Award honors those who have demonstrated the courage, creativity, and leadership required to drive meaningful change within their organization, setting a new standard for excellence in HR change management.

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The HR Consultant of the Year Award honors an outstanding HR consulting firm or independent consultant who has demonstrated unparalleled excellence in delivering innovative and impactful human resources solutions. This award recognizes a professional who has significantly contributed to the success of organizations by providing strategic guidance, expert advice, and tailored HR services that drive measurable results.

The recipient of this award will have exhibited exceptional skill in identifying and addressing complex HR challenges, offering solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations. Their work will have led to transformative outcomes, whether through improving organizational culture, optimizing talent management strategies, enhancing employee engagement, or implementing cutting-edge HR technologies.

In addition to their technical expertise, the HR Consultant of the Year will be recognized for their client-focused approach, building strong partnerships based on trust, collaboration, and a deep understanding of each organization’s unique needs. Their ability to adapt to different industries and environments while consistently delivering high-quality results sets them apart as a leader in the field.

The HR Consultant of the Year Award celebrates those who have made a profound impact on the HR profession through their consulting work, showcasing the power of strategic HR practices to drive business success and organizational growth.

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The Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Leader of the Year Award recognizes an individual who has made extraordinary strides in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within their organization. This award honors a leader whose visionary approach and unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace have created meaningful change, not only in policies and practices but also in organizational culture. 

The recipient of this award will have demonstrated exceptional leadership in developing and implementing DEI initiatives that have garnered strong support from senior leadership, including the CEO and C-suite. Their efforts will have led to tangible outcomes, such as increased representation, improved employee engagement, and a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute their best. Beyond their strategic initiatives, the Inclusion Leader will be recognized for their ability to inspire others to embrace and champion DEI within the organization. Their work will have involved educating and engaging employees at all levels, creating a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to building a more equitable workplace.

The Inclusion Leader of the Year Award celebrates those who have not only driven impactful change within their own organization but have also set an example for others to follow. Their leadership in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of creating workplaces where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

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The Emerging HR Leader of the Year Award recognizes a rising star in the human resources field who has quickly distinguished themselves through their innovative thinking, exceptional leadership, and profound impact on their organization. This award celebrates an HR professional with five or fewer years of experience or who is 35 years of age or younger yet has already made significant contributions that have set them apart as a future leader in the industry.

The recipient of this award will have demonstrated remarkable initiative, creativity, and a deep understanding of HR principles, applying them in ways that drive meaningful outcomes. Whether through spearheading successful talent acquisition strategies, enhancing employee engagement, or implementing forward-thinking HR initiatives, this individual’s work will reflect a blend of fresh perspectives and strategic acumen.

Beyond their professional achievements, the Emerging HR Leader will be recognized for their ability to inspire and influence others, showing the potential to shape the future of HR. Their passion for continuous learning, commitment to excellence, and ability to navigate the evolving landscape of HR make them a standout among their peers.

The Emerging HR Leader of the Year Award honors those who are not only excelling in their early careers but are also paving the way for the next generation of HR leaders. This award is a testament to their promise, potential, and the lasting impact they are poised to make in the field of human resources.

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Recruiting leader of the year

The Recruiting Leader of the Year Award honors an exceptional HR professional who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation in talent acquisition. This award recognizes a recruiting leader who has consistently delivered exceptional results, driving their organization’s success by attracting, hiring, and retaining top talent in a highly competitive market.

The recipient of this award will have showcased a deep understanding of recruitment strategies and best practices, utilizing cutting-edge tools, data analytics, and creative sourcing methods to meet the organization’s evolving needs. Their efforts will have led to significant improvements in key recruitment metrics, such as time-to-fill, quality of hire, and candidate experience, all while ensuring alignment with the company’s broader goals and values.

In addition to their strategic prowess, the Recruiting Leader will be celebrated for their ability to build and lead a high-performing recruitment team, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. Their leadership will have inspired their team to exceed expectations and deliver tangible business outcomes through effective talent acquisition.

The Recruiting Leader of the Year Award recognizes those who have not only mastered the art and science of recruiting but have also redefined what it means to be a strategic partner in their organization’s growth and success. This award celebrates a leader whose contributions have made a lasting impact on their organization and set new standards for excellence in recruitment.

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The HR Student Leader of the Year Award honors an exceptional student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, commitment, and passion for the field of human resources. This award recognizes an individual who, through their involvement in a SHRM-affiliated student chapter, has made a significant impact on their peers, university, and the broader HR community.

The recipient of this award will have exhibited remarkable initiative in organizing events, driving chapter engagement, and promoting the importance of HR within their academic environment. Their leadership will have inspired fellow students to actively participate in HR-related activities, fostering a strong sense of community and professional development among their peers.

In addition to their leadership within the student chapter, the HR Student Leader will be recognized for their academic excellence, commitment to learning, and their proactive efforts to bridge the gap between academic theory and real-world HR practice. Their ability to balance academic responsibilities with extracurricular involvement will highlight their dedication to the HR profession.

The HR Student Leader of the Year Award celebrates a future HR professional who has already begun to make a mark in the field. This individual’s passion, leadership, and drive set them apart as a standout student leader, and their contributions will undoubtedly shape the future of human resources.  

NOTE: Eligible nominees must be current members or recent graduates who were enrolled full-time at their university throughout the previous school year.

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The Recruiting Team of the Year Award recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of both corporate and agency recruiters in the DFW area.  Nominees are selected by a panel of judges based on their recruiting success and business impact during the last 12 months.  Evaluated criteria includes customer satisfaction, innovation, use of tools and technologies, protecting the candidate experience and overall company impact.

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Award brought to you by


The HR Team of the Year Award honors a human resources team that has exemplified excellence in driving strategic initiatives and delivering outstanding results over the past year. This award recognizes a team whose collaborative efforts have significantly contributed to the organization’s success, demonstrating the vital role that HR plays in shaping a high-performing, engaged, and resilient workforce.

The recipient team will have successfully executed initiatives that address critical business challenges, such as talent management, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, organizational development, and more. Their work will have resulted in measurable improvements across key HR metrics, including employee satisfaction, retention, productivity, and overall organizational performance.

In addition to their strategic achievements, the HR Team will be celebrated for their ability to work seamlessly across different HR functions—such as recruitment, learning and development, benefits, compensation, and employee relations—creating a cohesive and integrated approach to human resources. Their collaborative spirit, innovative thinking, and commitment to excellence will have driven transformative change within the organization.

The HR Team of the Year Award recognizes those who have set a new standard for what HR can achieve through teamwork, creativity, and a relentless focus on delivering value. This award celebrates a team that has not only met but exceeded expectations, making a lasting impact on their organization and setting a powerful example for HR teams everywhere.

_____  HR Team Nominations  _____


  • Award nominees must be based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
  • Award nominees must be actively employed and must have demonstrated excellence in the field of HR through September 30, 2024. Student award nominees must be currently enrolled full-time at a college or university.
  • All submissions must be completed in their entirety by midnight, November 15,2024.  Failure to submit a 100% completed Nomination Form could result in entry disqualification.
  • Nominees do not have to be members of the DallasHR to participate but Student Leader of the Year nominees MUST be a member of their local SHRM Student Chapter.
  • Nominees may be entered into no more than two different categories. You must fill out a complete Nomination Form for each award category.  No more than three entries per nominee. 
  • Self nomination is allowed and encouraged.
  • Award finalists and their guests are required to purchase Gala tickets. Full-time student finalists will receive one complimentary ticket for admission.

Additional details and deadlines will be sent directly to the finalists. All entrants acknowledge that DallasHR has the right to utilize photos and entry information for marketing purposes.


  • Judges for the HR STAR AWARD nominations are senior human resources executives not affiliated with any chapter volunteer leader or DallasHR Board of Trustees roles.  
  • Judges for the Recruiting Team of the Year Award are personnel from DFW Texas Recruiters Network.
  • Nominations may be received from organizations where the judges are employed. If that occurs, the respective judge will not be eligible to participate in that award evaluation and selection.
  • The judging panel reserves the right to reject or disqualify an entry which does not conform to the entry rules and guidelines or is not completed in its entirety. Entries deemed not qualified for the desired award may be removed from consideration.
  • The judging panel may choose to move an entry to another category if they consider that category more appropriate for the nomination.
  • The judging panel reserves the right to not give out an award in any category where the number or quality of entries received are insufficient to provide competition.